Initial Consultation

Integrative Therapy in County Durham and Online

The first step in your therapeutic journey is a complimentary 20-minute initial consultation, which can be conducted over the phone or online. This session allows you to express any concerns, ask questions, and determine if we are a good fit to work together.

During our consultation, we'll briefly discuss what brings you to therapy and explore your goals. If I feel that I can support you, we'll discuss the next steps and schedule our first full session. However, if I believe another professional would better serve your needs, I will provide appropriate referrals or resources to ensure you receive the required support.

This initial consultation is offered with no obligation to continue, giving you the space to reflect on your readiness for therapy. Remember, taking this first step is a sign of strength and commitment to your well-being, and I'm here to support you in finding the right path forward.

Integrative Counselling

As an integrative person-centred counsellor, I believe that you are the expert of your own life. My role is to create a safe, non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences freely. I tailor my counselling style to your unique needs and preferences by combining elements from various therapeutic approaches.

At the core of our work together is the person-centred approach, which emphasises the importance of building a strong, trusting relationship between counsellor and client. I will strive to understand your world from your perspective, offering genuine empathy, unconditional positive regard, and congruence. This means I will be authentic, transparent, and fully present in our sessions, supporting you without judgment or preconceived notions.

As we collaborate, I will draw upon a range of techniques and strategies to help you gain new insights, develop coping skills, and work towards your goals. This integrative approach ensures that you receive a comprehensive and personalised counselling experience that honours your individuality and empowers you to create meaningful change in your life.

The Rewind Technique

Rewind therapy, also known as the Rewind Technique, is a gentle and effective approach to treating trauma, phobias, and anxiety-related issues. This innovative method works by helping you to process and overcome distressing memories or experiences without the need for prolonged exposure or re-traumatization.

During Rewind therapy, I will guide you through a relaxation exercise to help you feel calm and grounded. Once you are relaxed, I will ask you to briefly recall the distressing memory or phobia. Then, using visualisation techniques, I will guide you to imagine watching the memory or phobia from a safe distance as if it were a movie. This process is repeated, with each replay of the "movie" becoming faster and less detailed until the memory or phobia no longer holds the same emotional charge.

Benefits of Rewind therapy:

  • Gentle and non-invasive approach to treating trauma and phobias
  • Helps to desensitise you to distressing memories or fears
  • Reduces the emotional impact of traumatic experiences
  • Can be completed in a relatively short number of sessions
  • Suitable for a wide range of anxiety-related issues

Issues Rewind therapy can help with:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Specific phobias (e.g. fear of flying, heights, animals)
  • Anxiety and panic disorders
  • Traumatic memories related to abuse, accidents, or violence

Rewind therapy has been found to be as effective as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) in treating trauma and phobias. It can also be combined with exposure therapy for phobias, gradually helping you to confront and overcome your fears in a controlled and supportive environment.

If you are struggling with the impact of trauma, phobias, or anxiety, Rewind therapy may be a helpful approach for you. As a trained Rewind therapist, I am committed to providing a safe and compassionate space for you to heal and reclaim your life from the grip of distressing memories or fears.

© Andrew Fleming Counselling and Psychotherapy

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