Exploring the Rewind Technique for PTSD

Understanding PTSD and Its Impact

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. It can lead to severe anxiety, flashbacks, and intrusive thoughts, significantly affecting a person's daily life. Traditional therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are commonly used to treat PTSD, but innovative approaches like the Rewind Technique are gaining recognition for their effectiveness.

What is the Rewind Technique?

The Rewind Technique, also known as the Visual-Kinaesthetic Dissociation Technique, is a therapeutic method used to help individuals process and overcome traumatic memories. Unlike some traditional therapies that require discussing traumatic events in detail, the Rewind Technique allows clients to revisit these memories in a controlled and dissociated way. This approach can reduce the emotional distress associated with the trauma, making it a less invasive and more comfortable experience for the client.

How the Rewind Technique Works

1. Induction of Relaxation: The process begins with guiding the client into a deeply relaxed state. This is crucial as it helps create a safe environment for revisiting traumatic memories.
2. Visualising the Event: While in a relaxed state, the client is asked to visualise the traumatic event as if watching a movie. This visualisation is done from a dissociated perspective, meaning the client watches themselves in the event rather than reliving it.
3. Rewinding the Memory: The therapist then guides the client to "rewind" the memory from end to beginning. This rewinding process helps to "disconnect" the emotional response from the traumatic memory.
4. Re-Processing the Experience: The technique may involve repeating the process several times until the memory can be revisited without triggering intense emotional distress.

Benefits of the Rewind Technique

  • Non-Invasive: One of the most significant benefits of the Rewind Technique is that it does not require the client to speak in detail about the traumatic event, which can be distressing for many.
  • Quick and Effective: The technique is often quicker than traditional methods, with some clients experiencing relief after just a few sessions.
  • Reduces Symptoms: Many individuals report a significant reduction in PTSD symptoms, such as flashbacks and anxiety, after undergoing the Rewind Technique.
  • Wide Applicability: Beyond PTSD, the Rewind Technique has been used effectively for phobias, anxiety disorders, and other conditions where distressing memories play a central role.

Who Can Benefit from the Rewind Technique?

The Rewind Technique can benefit anyone struggling with traumatic memories, particularly those who find traditional therapies too distressing or slow. It's also an excellent option for individuals seeking a non-invasive method to process trauma.

Getting Started with the Rewind Technique

If you or someone you know is dealing with PTSD or traumatic memories, the Rewind Technique might be an effective option. Here’s how you can start:

1. Initial Consultation: Contact me through the website or via email to schedule an initial consultation. During this session, we'll discuss your specific needs and how the Rewind Technique can help.
2. Session Preparation: I'll guide you in preparing for the sessions, ensuring you feel comfortable and informed about the process.
3. Engage in the Process: We'll proceed with the Rewind Technique in a series of sessions, tailored to your pace and comfort level.


The Rewind Technique is a gentle, non-invasive approach to managing trauma. By choosing to work with me, you can explore this method in a supportive and understanding environment. If you’re ready to take the next step towards healing, contact me today to begin your journey.

© Andrew Fleming Counselling and Psychotherapy

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